The Story of
Jackie Barrett
L'histoire de
Jackie Barrett

Amplifying an inspirational story that transcends time and societal barriers, this asynchronous program fosters lasting social change by connecting youth to the legacy, impact, and lessons of Jackie Barrett, the first Special Olympics athlete inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame.
Designed to empower youth from Kindergarten to Grade 12, this comprehensive four-module program celebrates the richness of diversity, fosters equity, and champions inclusion through the inspiring journey of an exceptional role model.
Ce programme éducatif en mode asynchrone élargit la portée d’une histoire inspirante qui transcende le temps et les barrières sociétales pour favoriser un changement social durable et exposer les jeunes à l’héritage, à l’impact et aux leçons de Jackie Barrett, le premier athlète d’Olympiques spéciaux à être intronisé au Panthéon des sports canadiens.
Conçu pour informer et habiliter les jeunes de la maternelle à la 12e année, ce programme complet comportant quatre modules célèbre la richesse de la diversité, favorise l’équité et encourage l’inclusion à travers le parcours inspirant d’un modèle exceptionnel.
About John "Jackie" Barrett
For 28 years, including 20 as a powerlifter, Jackie Barrett's unyielding determination has awed the world, redefining perceptions of Special Olympics athletes. Starting weightlifting during high school, he went on to claim an astonishing 20 Gold Medals at Special Olympics Canada Summer Games and a remarkable 13 Golds at World Summer Games. He retired after smashing records at the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles in the Squat (611 lb.), Deadlift (656 lb.), and Triple Combo (1,538 lb.).
Shattering barriers like he broke records, Jackie Barrett became the first Special Olympics athlete inducted into the country's only national museum of sport - Canada's Sports Hall of Fame.
À propos de John "Jackie" Barrett
Pendant 28 ans, dont 20 en tant que dynamophile, la détermination inébranlable de Jackie Barrett a impressionné le monde, redéfinissant les perceptions des athlètes d’Olympiques spéciaux. Jackie Barrett a commencé à pratiquer la dynamophilie pendant ses années à l’école secondaire. Il a ensuite remporté un nombre époustouflant de 20 médailles d’or aux Jeux d’été d’Olympiques spéciaux Canada et un remarquable total de 13 médailles d’or aux Jeux d’été mondiaux. Il a pris sa retraite après avoir fracassé des records aux Jeux d’été mondiaux d’Olympiques spéciaux de 2015 à Los Angeles à l’épreuve de flexion de jambe (squat) avec une barre à 277,5 kg (611 lb), au soulevé de terre (deadlift) avec une barre à 297,5 kg (656 lb) et au total des trois épreuves avec un pointage de 697,5 kg (1538 lb).
Fracassant les obstacles tout comme il battait les records, Jackie Barrett est devenu le premier athlète d’Olympiques spéciaux à être intronisé au Panthéon des sports canadiens, le seul musée national du sport au Canada.
Fracassant les obstacles tout comme il battait les records, Jackie Barrett est devenu le premier athlète d’Olympiques spéciaux à être intronisé au Panthéon des sports canadiens, le seul musée national du sport au Canada.
What's included?
Four pre-recorded modules
Movement Breaks
Learning Outcomes
Lessons Plans
Fully Bilingual
Disability affirmation and inclusion
360° view of artefacts
K - 12
Social Emotional Learning, Physical & Health Education, Social Studies, English Language Arts, French as a Second Language, Career and Life Management
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; Bullying; Mental Health; Community & Social Responsibility; Social Awareness; Character Building; Active Citizenship; Sense of Belonging; Active Living Role Models; Volunteerism & Community Service; Physical Literacy; Alternative Texts; Francophone Perspectives
Varies by module
Qu’est-ce qui est inclus?
Quatre modules vidéo préenregistrés
Pauses actives
Résultats d’apprentissage
Sous-titres en français
Plans de cours
Affirmation et inclusion des déficiences
Vues à 360 degrés d’artefacts
Niveaux scolaires
K - 12
Apprentissage socio-émotionnel, Éducation physique
et de la santé, Études sociales, Français et études des langues, Anglais langue seconde, Préparation à la vie personnelle et professionnelle
et de la santé, Études sociales, Français et études des langues, Anglais langue seconde, Préparation à la vie personnelle et professionnelle
Résultats d’apprentissage
Diversité, équité et inclusion, Intimidation, Santé mentale, Responsabilité envers
la communauté et la société, Conscience sociale, Formation du caractère, Citoyenneté active, Sentiment d’appartenance,
Modèles et exemples d’une vie active, Bénévolat et service communautaire,
Savoir-faire physique, Textes alternatifs, Perspectives francophones
la communauté et la société, Conscience sociale, Formation du caractère, Citoyenneté active, Sentiment d’appartenance,
Modèles et exemples d’une vie active, Bénévolat et service communautaire,
Savoir-faire physique, Textes alternatifs, Perspectives francophones
Varie selon les modules
Course Modules | Modules des cours
Module Credits | Crédits
Created in Partnership with
Créé en partenariat avec

We’d like to express our sincere appreciation to our invaluable partners at Winsport for graciously opening their facility to support program filming.
Nous aimerions exprimer notre sincère reconnaissance à nos partenaires inestimables chez Winsport, qui nous ont ouvert les portes de leurs installations pour appuyer le tournage du programme.

Inspiring wins for sport + life.
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Guiding Questions
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A Racing Bib from the 2020 Youth Olympic Game in Lausanne, Switzerland. It was worn by a racer in a skiing event.
Courtesy of Order of Sport collection, Canadian Museum of History.
Courtesy of Order of Sport collection, Canadian Museum of History.
1. What do you see (physical properties)?
2. Consider analyzing materials (i.e., is it wood, stone, plastic, etc.?)
2. Consider analyzing materials (i.e., is it wood, stone, plastic, etc.?)
3. What is special or distinctive about the artefact?
4. Are there any inscriptions (i.e., are there any markings that are printed, stamped, engraved)?
5. What symbolism do you see?
6. How is the object oriented? (i.e., Does it have a presumed front, back, bottom, or top?)
7. What features do you think it might share with similar objects?
8. Does the object prompt some kind of action or performance?
9. What is this artefact?
10. What stories or information do you think it tells?
4. Are there any inscriptions (i.e., are there any markings that are printed, stamped, engraved)?
5. What symbolism do you see?
6. How is the object oriented? (i.e., Does it have a presumed front, back, bottom, or top?)
7. What features do you think it might share with similar objects?
8. Does the object prompt some kind of action or performance?
9. What is this artefact?
10. What stories or information do you think it tells?
Rowing is the propelling of a boat using a fixed oar as a lever. In modern sports, rowers race against each other as individuals or in crews of two, four or eight.
Rowing is the propelling of a boat using a fixed oar as a lever. In modern sports, rowers race against each other as individuals or in crews of two, four or eight.
Guiding Questions
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A volunteer vest given to Dr. Kirby for her work at the 2020 Youth Olympic Winter Games.
Courtesy of Order of Sport collection, Canadian Museum of History.
Courtesy of Order of Sport collection, Canadian Museum of History.
1. What do you see (physical properties)?
2. Consider analyzing materials (i.e., is it wood, stone, plastic, etc.?)
2. Consider analyzing materials (i.e., is it wood, stone, plastic, etc.?)
3. What is special or distinctive about the artefact?
4. Are there any inscriptions (i.e., are there any markings that are printed, stamped, engraved)?
5. What symbolism do you see?
6. How is the object oriented? (i.e., Does it have a presumed front, back, bottom, or top?)
7. What features do you think it might share with similar objects?
8. Does the object prompt some kind of action or performance?
9. What is this artefact?
10. What stories or information do you think it tells?
4. Are there any inscriptions (i.e., are there any markings that are printed, stamped, engraved)?
5. What symbolism do you see?
6. How is the object oriented? (i.e., Does it have a presumed front, back, bottom, or top?)
7. What features do you think it might share with similar objects?
8. Does the object prompt some kind of action or performance?
9. What is this artefact?
10. What stories or information do you think it tells?
Rowing is the propelling of a boat using a fixed oar as a lever. In modern sports, rowers race against each other as individuals or in crews of two, four or eight.
Rowing is the propelling of a boat using a fixed oar as a lever. In modern sports, rowers race against each other as individuals or in crews of two, four or eight.
Guiding Questions
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A volunteer ID card given to Dr. Kirby as a way to identify as a volunteer for the event. On the card, it lists her specific volunteer responsibilities.
Courtesy of Order of Sport collection, Canadian Museum of History.
Courtesy of Order of Sport collection, Canadian Museum of History.
1. What do you see (physical properties)?
2. Consider analyzing materials (i.e., is it wood, stone, plastic, etc.?)
2. Consider analyzing materials (i.e., is it wood, stone, plastic, etc.?)
3. What is special or distinctive about the artefact?
4. Are there any inscriptions (i.e., are there any markings that are printed, stamped, engraved)?
5. What symbolism do you see?
6. How is the object oriented? (i.e., Does it have a presumed front, back, bottom, or top?)
7. What features do you think it might share with similar objects?
8. Does the object prompt some kind of action or performance?
9. What is this artefact?
10. What stories or information do you think it tells?
4. Are there any inscriptions (i.e., are there any markings that are printed, stamped, engraved)?
5. What symbolism do you see?
6. How is the object oriented? (i.e., Does it have a presumed front, back, bottom, or top?)
7. What features do you think it might share with similar objects?
8. Does the object prompt some kind of action or performance?
9. What is this artefact?
10. What stories or information do you think it tells?
Rowing is the propelling of a boat using a fixed oar as a lever. In modern sports, rowers race against each other as individuals or in crews of two, four or eight.
Rowing is the propelling of a boat using a fixed oar as a lever. In modern sports, rowers race against each other as individuals or in crews of two, four or eight.