Sep 21

Board of Governors 2023

Canada's Sports Hall of Fame welcomed three new Board of Governors in 2023
Tim Barber, Colin Gruending, & Marnie McBean

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In 2023, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame welcomed three new Board of Governors, Tim Barber, Colin Gruending, and Marnie McBean. Tim, Colin, and Marnie bring a wealth of knowledge to Canada's only national museum of sport and most importantly, a shared belief in the transformative power of sport.

Tim, Colin, and Marnie join a group of passionate Canadians who play a key role in expanding the impact of the invaluable lessons of sport on youth from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

To learn more about Tim, Colin, Marnie and the other 13 Board of Governors of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame, visit

Robert Rooney, Chair
Susan Anderson
Dany Assaf, Treasurer
Geoff Beattie
Colin Gruending
Brian Gallant
Trevor Haynes
Blake Hutcheson
Andy McCreath
Kelly D. Murumets
Gareth Rees
Tammy Sadinsky
Brendan Shanahan
Mark Smith
Tim Barber
Marnie McBean

Thank you!

Canada's Sports Hall of Fame is grateful for the ongoing commitment and leadership of the Board of Governors.