Indigenous Sport Heroes Education Experience

The Indigenous Sport Heroes Education Experience is the first of its kind educational exhibit that shares the stories of 14 Indigenous Hall of Famers and recent Tom Longboat Award Winners. Educational activities and lesson plans are available as entry points into integrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing & Being into your classroom.

What's included?

  • Lesson Plans
  • Interactive Activities
  • 360° Views of Artefacts
  • Videos




Social Studies, Aboriginal Studies, First Nations, Métis And Inuit (FNMI) Languages, Health & Life Skills, Physical Education, English Language Arts, Career & Life Management (CALM), Ethics, CTS: Health, Recreation, And Human Services (HRH)
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Role models, community building, identify characteristics of resiliency, cooperation in group activities, dimensions of health, role of sport in relation to an athlete's identity, relationship between sport and society, Indigenous language revitalization, treaty relationships, impact of colonialism, identity and ideology, roles of stories, history and culture in relation to community building, identity and sense of belonging

Inspiring conversation about the rich sporting history of Indigenous Hall of Famers

Educational activities and lesson plans were created to inspire further learning and relationship building with Indigenous Peoples. They were designed as entry points to help teachers integrate holistic teaching methods into their classroom that recognize the many distinct Indigenous histories, cultures, pedagogies, traditional languages and traditional knowledge systems.
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